Friday, November 27, 2009


Wow.. how long has it been?! I do apologize for the extra long hiatus!

So, a quick update!

Well, I took the teaching position... and what a mistake that was! I ended up in a school teaching "at-risk youth." Just the memories of it make me want to crawl into a dark corner and cry! Between the hour-long commute, constant yelling (from students to me!), absolutely no management to help, and the ever-existing threat to my life... it was by far the hardest position I've ever had! Everyday there was a new fight.. between middle school kids who were old enough to drive... everyday there were at least two new kids (if not more) entering our school because they were kicked out from their zone school.

By the end of the school year, I had 52 students in my homeroom alone, I gained 10 pounds, and absolutely no money saved up! So, June 2009 I was laid-off, and I've been unemployed ever since. And here I am, in November still looking for a job.

Looking back at my past posts, it's kind of depressing that I was in such agony over this huge decision! I guess that's what Rod Stewart was singing about when he said, "I wish that I knew what I know now, when I was younger..."

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