Saturday, November 28, 2009


So... awesome news!! I'm officially going to be a bridesmaid!! Now, I've never been one before.. but considering the fact that I've been planning my own wedding since I was, I dunno... FIVE!! I'm sure I know exactly how to be the best bridesmaid ever!

My friend A, a sales manager for an international hotel, has been engaged for a few months now. Just recently she made her decisions on her bridal party. I can honestly say that I was more than happy that she chose to make me a part of her special day. Since I've had so many ups and downs these past couple of years, it's nice to have some good news. And although I would love to be planning my own wedding, I'm glad that my best friend is finally getting married... (after 8 years!)

But all of this wonderful news, makes me think about my own relationship. Will I have to be with my guy for over five years to get to that aisle? Not that I'm in a major rush... considering the fact that I'm unemployed and broke. But it would be nice to know that I might not have to wait as long. It will be two years for us this coming January, and unfortunately I'm already getting antsy for that commitment. The funny thing is that even though it's something that I want so much, I know that it'll be something that will make me completely freak out.

It makes me wonder, why do we as women (and even as just plain human), always want to have our cake and eat it too? Can't we be happy just the way we are (whatever that may be)?

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