Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Well.. it's interesting how things can change from one day to the next... During my physical for the ship job, I found out that I apparently have a thyroid problem.. a couple days later, I'm invited to an interview at a school to teach middle school English.  They ended up offering me the job!!

Well.. after much soul searching and asking around.. I decided to take the school position! So now, I'm supposed to be on a plane to Quebec, but I'm still waiting to get my start date for the school position.  After a week of being super anxious, I've decided to calm down, and trust that God's taking care of everything for me...  Afterall, I definitely believe the only reason I got the ship job, was so that I could find out about this condition I have.

So, this is what you can expect from my life:  sudden decisions, crazy changes, and don't believe anything that happens to me (and I mean ANYTHING) until you see it! Oy vey!


Friday, October 10, 2008


Ok, dilemma time!!

I have two options now:  work on ships, or teach English....  I know one sounds better than the other.. that's what I think too.  But when I made the inevitable list of pros and cons, teaching English beat working on ships by a landslide.

Not only will I be making more money and be close to my family, friends, and boyfriend, but I'll also be entering a field that I originally thought I would be entering when I graduated from college.  With this experience, I can go back to school, get my master's and teach at the university level, and eventually make my way into museum work.  Plus, I'll get weekends, holidays, and summers off!!

So with all of those pros, it's hard to not consider it.  Of course, everyone thinks I should take on this new opportunity.  I think so too... it's just hard because it'll mean that I'll officially have to "grow up." LOL  I was hoping to work on ships for a year, pay my bills and save up my money.. of course once that's done, I'll have to find a new job anyway.... I guess I can't live at home forever, right?  

And, as a good friend of mine told me, "You can either chose to grow up now, or a year from now.  But you'll have to grow up sooner or later."


Thursday, October 2, 2008


Hmm... Coincidentally I have only 3 weeks left til I leave, and this is my third official post.... Three weeks!  THREE WEEKS!!!  I can't believe I'm actually doing it again!  This time, like I said before, is a bit harder than the last time I left.  This time I'm leaving behind not only my family and friends, but an awesome boyfriend too!

Well... It's for the best.. gotta pay off those bills, student loans, and send money back home for mom, right?  So today I received my flight information... and tomorrow, I give my notice at work!  Then, it'll really be official!  

Then, come October 22, I'll be flying off to Quebec, Canada!  

But for now, I'm still waiting for Tuesday to come (when I am having my chest x-rays done), and then for Friday (when I'm getting back my medical forms to send to the ship)... I can't wait for October 18.. my last day of Disney!!
