Sunday, January 24, 2010


This is supposed to originally have been posted on 1/22/2010. Due to lack of internet, I had to post today.

So, my trip to the ship in Acapulco was crazy:

empty stomach + long wait - appropriate paperwork = very frustrated me!

So after being told that there were parts of my medical that were missing, and I'd have to make my own way to the clinic once we hit Huatulco, Mexico.. I was a little peeved! But it's all part of the experience, right? It was actually a nice day, so it was nice to be able to get off the ship at this particular port. I had been here before, so it made for some great memories...

I made it to the clinic via a shady taxi that cost $4 USD and waited a while for the results of the test. My view of the waiting room follows.....

I had to pay in pesos, so I walked about six blocks to the nearest ATM and made my way back. I was actually tempted to stop at one of the restaurants along the way, cuz I was super hungery, but decided against it and continued on. I waited a little while longer for my results ($7 USD) and finally made my way back the the port, $2 USD... earlier guy overcharged me (?) hmmm.... .

So back on board, I went through some job training, and get to go back to work around 5-ish... should be interesting once I have to start doing this on my own. I haven't really met anyone, so I'm hoping to start making some friends soon... cuz being on here for 6 months alone, will really suck. Tomorrow's a sea day, then we hit Puntarenas, Costa Rica.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


Ok, so seriously the trip to Acapulco was H-O-R-R-I-B-L-E!!! I won't go into all of the annoying details, but let's just say, that what should've taken um, I don't know.. 7 hours (including 1 stop), ended up taking more like 12 hours!!! But I did take some great pics along the way! (Mostly)

So Orlando at night apparently looks like the opening credits of Sleepless in Seattle.. a whole of little lights on a black canvas.. pretty cool, I thought. Although it wasn't technically night.. it was more like 6am, and I was super tired. But thought in it would be neat to take some pics of my home town.

When I finally got out of my groggy stupor, I took some great wing shots! I was obsessed with the clouds for quite sometime... I'm sure a lot of people were thinking it was my first time on a plane....

I couldn't get Internet access in Dallas Fort Worth, but I did find an Au Bon Pain!! Excited? Just a little! My sandwich was a lot bigger before I decided that I needed to document that moment....

So.. waiting forever finally got me on the plane to Acapulco... Unfortunately I had an aisle seat and couldn't take pics of the awesome views :(

After landing, I hitched a ride with two American dudes who were going to the same hotel I was going to. (I was safe--they were gay) We piled into a taxi, and again saw some awesome views.. too bad my camera was in the trunk. Again, I waited forever for the port agent to figure out my hotel arrangements, and I finally got in! So, here are some views from my room.... #611 facing the beach.


OMG! So here I am sitting at the airport sipping on my Starbucks and feeling super nostalgic and melancholy... I'm heading off to Acapulco, Mexico via Dallas Fort Worth, Texas to join Celebrity Constellation. Hopefully my six months will fly by, and I'll be back home with my family and friends. Not that I'm not super excited to get the chance to go back to ships! It's definitely bittersweet, but will be worth all of the tears in the end... For now, it's time to go through security! I'll probably be writing again.. as it does get a bit boring waiting around the airport.....

Friday, January 15, 2010


Yay! Today's my Lovey's and my 2 year anniversary!! Can't believe we made it this far, considering all of the craziness we've been through together.. and now there's going to be even more craziness, with me leaving for 6 months at a time!! Oy vey! I'm sure it'll all work out in the end though!! For now..... I'm just going to bask in my glowiness!! (Yes, I know that's not a real word)

Thursday, January 14, 2010


Well, it's about time!! I'm finally officially joining Celebrity Cruises on Thursday Jan 21, 2010!!! As you know, I've been trying for a ship job for quite sometime, and I'm not letting this one go this time!

So, now I'm in the process of packing, saying my good-byes, and getting all of my finances organized... Other than that, I'll keep you posted!!
